ChatGPT has opened a window of opportunity that typically only comes a few times during a career. Take advantage of this amazing tool and your business can’t help but grow
Sometimes the word “game-changer” is an exaggeration. That is not the case with ChatGPT. The way agents are leveraging this tool continues to expand. The key to effective usage is to utilize the best promptings that will produce the desired results.
This article shares 40 ChatGPT prompts every agent should be using. These prompts are broken into areas of usage utilizing ChatGPT as an acronym.
You will notice many of the prompts request a number associated with the request (Example: 5 reasons people love living in…). These numbers can be modified to suit your preferred type of content. They are simply put in place to give you a reference point to prompt your personal creativity.
C: Client attraction
Lead generation is a way ChatGPT can be utilized to provide content that attracts your ideal, targeted client. The following are 14 promptings to create client attraction content.
1. Give me an SEO-optimized [whatever platform you choose] [post or video script] with 5 reasons people love moving from [feeder market for your area] to [your city]. This prompt is designed to attract buyers moving into your area from a feeder market.
2. Give me an SEO-optimized [whatever platform you choose] [post or video script] with 7 reasons buying a home is smarter than renting in [your city]. This content is designed to attract first-time homebuyers.
3. Give me an SEO-optimized [whatever platform you choose] [post or video script] with 5 things renters wish they would have known before buying a home in [your city].
4. Give me an SEO-optimized [whatever platform you chose] [post or video script] with 7 Things Every Homeowner Should Do Before Listing Their Home For Sale in [your city]. This one is focused on capturing the attention of homeowners early in the process of listing their home for sale.
5. Give me an SEO-optimized [whatever platform you choose] [post or video script] with the 5 biggest mistakes homeowners in [your city] make before listing their home for sale including #5 being not calling [your name] earlier. This is another prompting focused on people preparing to sell their home soon.
6. Give me an SEO-optimized [whatever platform you choose] [post or video script] with the 7 biggest regrets homeowners in [your city] have after listing their home for sale including the 7th one not calling [you]. This one is focused on attracting potential listing clients.
7. Give me an SEO-optimized [whatever platform you choose] post or video script with 7 things divorcees should do before listing their home for sale in [your city] with number seven being calling [you] sooner. This is focused on a specific demographic that often needs to sell due to the life event of divorce.
8. Give me an SEO-optimized [whatever platform you choose] post or video script with 7 Ways Executors of Estates Can Leverage Real Estate Agents to Make Their Job Easier in [your city] with number seven being to call [you]. Another prompting focused on executors of estates going through probate with the need to sell a home due to the life event of the owner’s death.
9. Give me an SEO-optimized [whatever platform you choose] post or video script with 7 things empty nesters should consider before downsizing and listing their home for sale in [your city] with number seven being to call [you]. This prompting is focused on attracting clients considering downsizing.
10. Give me an SEO-optimized [whatever platform you choose] post or video script with 7 things engaged couples should consider before buying a home in [your city]. This prompting is focused on attracting clients with the life event of engagement that often leads to the purchase of a home.
11. Give me an SEO-optimized [whatever platform you choose] post or video script with how a growing family in [your city] can buy a home without breaking the bank. Couples that are expecting are often faced with the need to either buy a home or buy a bigger home than the one they currently own.
12. Give me an SEO-optimized [whatever platform you choose] post or video script with 7 reasons buying a home while stationed at [military base] makes more sense than renting. This is focused on attracting military personnel with permanent change of station [PCS] orders.
13. Give me an SEO-optimized [whatever platform you choose] post or video script with 7 reasons selling your home in [your city] during the [season of the year] can be opportunistic. This one is specifically designed to attract listings in a specific season of the year.
14. Give me an SEO-optimized [whatever platform you chose] post or video script with 7 reasons buying a home in [your city] during the [season of the year] season could be advantageous. Specifically targeted messaging to attract buyers in a specific season of the year.
H: Help with social media optimization
Social media is one of the most effective ways to attract new clients in today’s market environment. The following are ways to make sure you take full advantage of the opportunities social media presents.
15. Give me an SEO-optimized Instagram Profile for [your name], a Realtor in [your city] with the following accolades and designations.
16. Give me an SEO-optimized LinkedIn profile for [your name], a Realtor in [your city] with the following accolades and designations.
17. Give me an SEO-optimized Facebook profile for [your name], a Realtor in [your city] with the following accolades and designations.
18. Give me an SEO-optimized YouTube page description for a YouTube Channel for [your name], a Realtor in [your city] with videos and content focused on helping [whoever your ideal client is].
19. Give me an SEO-optimized Facebook post for the home located at [address] with the following MLS description [drop in the MLS description]. This is a prompt we utilized that has increased our Facebook engagement by an average of more than 20 percent since beginning to use it less than a month ago.
20. Right after it gives you the SEO-optimized Facebook post, say convert this to an SEO-optimized Instagram post including hashtags.
21. Right after it gives you the SEO-optimized Instagram post, say convert this to an SEO-optimized Instagram Reel video script.
22. Give me an SEO-optimized 1,000-word LinkedIn article for the home located at [address] with the following MLS description [drop in the MLS description].
A: Answering the tough questions
If you have questions that you’re not sure how to answer or if buyers or sellers are saying they are waiting to make a move based on an event, then ChatGPT has the answers. Here are a few promptings to turn obstacles into opportunities.
23. Give me an SEO-optimized Facebook post with 5 reasons a potential homebuyer should consider buying a home in [your city] despite an increase in interest rates.
24. Give me an SEO-optimized Facebook post with 3 reasons buying a home in [your city] right now is smart even though home prices have gone up over the last few years. The following steps are a way to compound the content once we are answering the tough questions.
25. The next thing to do once it provides the above Facebook posts is to ask it to convert the Facebook posts into 1,000-word SEO-optimized LinkedIn articles.
26. Then ask it to convert the above LinkedIn articles into SEO-optimized Instagram post including hashtags.
27. Then ask it to convert the above Instagram post into an SEO-optimized video script for an Instagram Reel. This script could be used for a video for TikTok or a YouTube Short as well.
T: Taking your listing presentation to the next level
Imagine walking into a listing presentation with multiple, well-written MLS descriptions, SEO-optimized social media posts, and SEO-optimized video scripts. It is possible and only takes a few minutes with ChatGPT. Request the following prompts and share them at your listing appointment to separate yourself from your competition.
28. Give me an MLS description for the home located at [address] highlighting [amenities and selling points of the home]. Then ask it to write the description provided in another tone such as: convert this to a more luxury-style description.
29. Convert this MLS description into an SEO-optimized Facebook post.
30. Convert this Facebook post to an SEO-optimized Instagram post.
31. Convert the MLS description above into an SEO-optimized 1,000-word LinkedIn article.
32. Convert this article to an SEO-optimized YouTube video script.
33. Convert this script to an SEO-optimized Instagram Reel script.
G: Generating ideas on how to grow your business
ChatGPT also provides you with everything you need to generate ideas on growing your business or enhancing your marketing.
34. Give me 20 unique ways to market a home for sale with a targeted buyer group of [your targeted buyer profile like first-time homebuyer or investor].
35. Give me 20 ways a real estate agent can grow her social media connections and followers.
36. Give me 20 SEO-optimized YouTube video titles that a real estate agent should record to attract business through YouTube.
37. Give me 20 ways a real estate agent can uniquely promote his business.
P: Past client and referral partner appreciation
38. Give me 20 ideas on how a real estate agent can show her appreciation for past clients or referral partners.
T: Telling your community’s story
Telling your community’s story is a great way to provide valuable information and set yourself up as the resource for community information.
39. Give me an SEO-optimized [whatever platform you choose] [post or video script] with 5 things people don’t know about [your city].
40. Give me an SEO-optimized [whatever platform you choose] [post or video script] with 7 interesting facts about [your city].
ChatGPT has opened a window of opportunity that typically only comes a few times during a career. Take advantage of this amazing tool and your business can’t help but grow.
This article was originally posted on on June 22, 2023 at