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Genovations Realty Provides CORE Presents for Free

Updated: Aug 6, 2021

Genovations Realty is pleased to announce that CORE Presents is available as a free resource to all of its agents. In short, for those who are unfamiliar with CORE Present, it is CMA software that was once dashCMA. CORE Presents replaces dread with confidence when a client asks you the question: "What should I sell my house for?" Here's more about this powerful tool and how to incorporate it into your business.

The purpose of any CMA is to support realtors in conveying a clear story about the market and relaying specific pricing approaches to buyers and sellers. dashCMA, which is now Core PRESENTS, is a modern take that was built to quickly and effectively establish trust with buyers and sellers around pricing. What makes this software so powerful is that realtors can change comps and toggle the impact of specific features in real time. CORE Presents also offers client engagement tracking to see when, where, and how the client interacted with the report to ensure no deal is ever lost over pricing.

Fresh Data with Reports in a Click of a Button

Using Inside Real Estate's MLS connectors, CORE Presents allows agents to build an interactive presentation to send to clients from data refreshed in fifteen minutes or less. There is no need for agents to search listings for their CMA in the MLS and then import them into a CMA tool.

Their launch of CORE Presents, which was built upon the popular pricing and data visualization features of dashCMA, leverages one of the key strengths of Inside Real Estate, which is their MLS connectors that allow agents to build an interactive presentation from data refreshed every 15 minutes or less from the MLS. This keeps the data constantly fresh and eliminates the need for agents to search listings for their CMA in the MLS then import them to a CMA tool.

Customizable Behavioral Options

Suppose a client with a pool asks how much they will get because they have a pool, you can instantly highlight the average price of homes, both active and sold, with or without pools.

CORE Present also comes with customization and "presets" that make it incredibly easy to adjust the presentation based on seller personas. Suppose you are trying to woo a client who is committed to selling, but is still shopping for agents: the presentation will adjust content to focus on why you're the right agent for the job, versus a seller who's more focused on top market dollar—which will lead with pricing analysis.

Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to access and use Core Presents.

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